I have a nine year old boy who never eats. He's growing, but I don't know how. I was the same type of child. If I could find a way to hide things on my plate to make it look like I'd eaten them, I would. He is me all over again.
We shop at Big Lots whenever we can. A lot of stuff that ends up at Big Lots is discontinued products or various oddball things. I found some elbow macaroni that are pinched closed on one end, and open on the other, and since they were made in Italy and priced under a buck, they landed in my cart. Pasta that little guys can easily get on a fork is always welcome in our home.
Last night I was dog-tired and disinclined to spend much time in the kitchen, so I went for the pasta. When I opened up the bag and dumped it into the pot, I noted again that they were odd-looking, but I was when I spooned one out of the pot to test it for done-ness that I burst out laughing. The pasta had puffed up into a little screamy-face, like these guys:

This blog post is silly, but alien head pasta wrought an unexpected miracle at the dinner table, and I wish I had bought more.
I think thats hilarious and everyone can use a good laugh!
Wow, how awesome is that? My son would LOVE those! I wonder if our big lots has screaming alien macaroni rejects :D
That is hysterical! They would make a lot more money if they marketed those like that ;)
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