Okay, working only with the beads in the bowl and some 28 ga. wire (see earlier post), here’s the thing I made today, a beaded suncatcher. This suncatcher holds its shape pretty well, because it is strung on wire. I didn’t cut quite enough wire and ended up working in a new section of wire twice; hopefully that isn’t very noticeable.

Sorry that these photos aren't very clear. Here's an outdoor shot. It was sooo cold and windy that I didn't take enough pictures to get a nice clear one. You get the idea, though. :o)

I’m already eager to see what I can make with the rest beads in the bowl tomorrow. There are a whole lot of them left. I might not wait till tomorrow...
I don’t have a tutorial for this type of beadwork right now, but if you want to get the general idea, this German link is fabulous:
http://www.basteln-mit-elisabeth.de/perlenst.htmScroll down to where you see this:
“Wenn Sie hier anklicken, finden Sie noch mehr Sterne:”
Check out all those links for tons of help and ideas. You do not need to know German; her photo tutorials are excellent.
I love your beadwork and that craft site is a treasure trove. Thanks for sharing.
Oh, and I'm groundsel on TAD.
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