Sunday, February 1, 2009

Gearing up for Thing-a-Day!

I signed up for Thing-a-Day this year, to help me get out of my creative doldrums. I’m not following any set guidelines right now, but I seem to be starting to fall in with a theme of “using what you have”.

Last week, I received two mason jars chock-full of beady goodness from a friend. One of the jars had a baggie full of assorted seed beads and a few larger beads thrown in. I thought it would be fun and challenging to see what I can do with only this bag of beads and some 28-gauge galvanized wire.

Here are the beads at the start of this adventure, dumped into an old bowl for easy access. What shall I make?
I'll be back in a little bit with today's thing, meanwhile check out all the amazing things being posted today over at Thing-a-Day:

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